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Why You Should Prioritise Your Oral Health With Dental Implants

The main advantage of dental implants is that they are a permanent solution for tooth loss, as the fixtures fuse with the bone in your jaw. For this reason, dental implants require an investment in your health, which is why we offer finance plans here at Park Dental Care. The new year is right around the corner; what better way to set the year up for success than with a new set of teeth? Here’s why you should prioritise your oral health with dental implants: 
Dental implants are reliable, long-lasting solutions: Dental implants are surgically implanted into the jawbone. Therefore, unlike dentures which must be removed and can be unreliable, dental implants are a permanent part of your mouth. This means you can eat, speak, and smile confidently without worrying about your dentures slipping or wobbling. Dental implants can also be a better option than bridges, as they don’t require support from the surrounding teeth. 
Dental implants look, feel and function like natural teeth: Technicians specialising in dental implants create each fixture using two components – a biocompatible titanium screw and a porcelain crown. These fixtures blend seamlessly with your natural teeth, making it impossible for anyone to tell the difference. In addition to their natural appearance, implants are highly functional, providing a stable base for chewing and speaking, just like your natural teeth. 
Dental implants can also preserve your jawbone: If you lose a tooth, the bone in your jaw may begin to deteriorate. This is because without stimulation from the tooth root, the bone can weaken and shrink over time. Studies show that tooth loss can cause up to 25% of the jawbone to deteriorate in the area after just one year. Dental implants can help to prevent this deterioration by providing the necessary stimulation to keep the bone strong and healthy. This can also help to maintain your natural facial structure and prevent facial collapse, which can cause premature ageing. 
Dental implants can avert the need for further dental work: Losing teeth can cause the surrounding teeth to shift to fill the empty space. This can result in misalignment or bite problems that may require orthodontics to correct. An alternative option is to get dental implants, which can fill the gap left by the missing tooth and prevent the need for further dental work. You can also say a pleasant goodbye to new fillings or sensitive teeth as implants are immune from both. 
Dental implants are low maintenance and easy to care for: Dental implants should be cared for just like natural teeth. Brushing them twice daily for at least two minutes and interdental cleaning is essential for maintaining good oral hygiene. In addition, regular visits to the dentist are crucial to ensure that your dental implants are in good condition. While dental implants may require an initial investment, they can last a lifetime with proper care, making them cost-effective in the long term. 
Dental implants have a high success rate: Dental implant surgery has a 95% success rate, which means it is a reliable and effective way of replacing one or more missing teeth to restore your smile. 
As you can see, dental implants are a great option for replacing missing teeth and improving oral health. However, they may not be suitable for everyone. Some factors that may mean you are an unsuitable candidate include a history of gum disease, smoking, and certain medical conditions that affect the healing process. We’re here to assess your oral health and answer any questions you may have. Booking in for a free consultation is the best way to discover if this is the right treatment for you. 
If you’re missing teeth and considering your options, it’s worth considering dental implants as a long-term, natural-looking solution that can restore your smile and improve your oral health. 
Interested in Dental Implants near you? At Park Dental Care, Nottingham, we’re here to restore your smile. 
Our experienced Dental Surgeon, Chris Lucas, has been correcting smiles for over twenty years and is dedicated to helping people eat comfortably and improve their confidence. To enquire about dental implants, contact our friendly reception team online or by calling us at 0115 910 1447
We look forward to hearing from you!