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Nutrition & Your Dental Health

Give Green Tea a Try 
Gum disease (periodontitis) involves inflammation around your teeth, and it usually doesn’t cause any intense symptoms until it’s reached an advanced stage. Green tea has been proven to reduce inflammation, thus lowering your risk of gum disease. It’s also great for killing odour-causing bacteria, freshening your breath along the way! 
Go for Calcium-Rich Foods 
Calcium is a super-nutrient for your teeth, helping to support their structure and function. As well as strengthening your jaw bone (which holds your teeth in place), foods containing calcium such as dairy products protect your tooth enamel, the protective coating on your teeth. 
Cheese lovers will be pleased to hear that they can feel smug when enjoying their favourite cheeses as it’s a fantastic food for teeth. Researchers have found that cheese raises the pH levels in your mouth for 30 minutes after you eat it, which helps to fend off bacteria, lowering your risk of cavities. 
The Benefits of Arginine-Rich Foods 
Arginine is an amino acid that’s naturally occurring in the body, and it can be found in certain dietary sources. Over the past decade, research has suggested that it may have several benefits for your oral health. If you’re particularly susceptible to cavities, eating arginine-rich foods like spinach, lentils, eggs, whole grains, soy and seafood may be able to: 
● Disrupts oral biofilm-like plaque from settling 
● Reduce inflammation 
● Decreases hypersensitivity 
Reach for Raw, Crunchy Fruit and Veg 
Raw and crunchy food and vegetables can act as a natural toothbrush. Opting for a crunchy fruit like an apple for dessert can help eliminate the material that clings to your tooth surfaces. They can also contain xylitol, which kills bacteria responsible for decay by up to 90%. Spinach and celery are also great veggie options. 
Stick to Mealtimes When Eating Sugary Foods 
Each time you eat or drink, the bacteria in your mouth break down the food or liquid you consume. This bacteria creates acids as a by-product, which eat away at your tooth enamel, called demineralisation. If your teeth go through this process often, you’ll eventually develop cavities. When you snack too regularly, the bacteria in your mouth will have a field day, continuing to produce acids, and the saliva in your mouth won’t be able to keep up washing these away. 
Try to stick to mealtimes when you eat, especially if it’s sugar and acid-rich foods that you’re consuming. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day will help wash away bacteria. 
Dental Appointments in Nottingham 
Your at-home oral hygiene routine and diet have a huge influence over whether or not you develop decay and disease. However, it’s also essential to regularly visit the dentist! Routine dentist appointments here in Nottingham ensure we can keep an eye on any creeping symptoms you might not have noticed yourself. Acting on these early can save you from needing further treatment in the future and help to keep the rest of your body healthy.