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4 Types of Dental Issues You Should Never Ignore

Below are some examples of symptoms that warrant a dentist appointment or hygienist appointment as soon as possible – because prevention is always better than cure! 
Changes to Your Gums 
Changes to your gums could indicate that you’re suffering from some degree of gum disease, which won’t harm your long-term health when caught and treated early. Avoiding the hygienist can result in advanced gum disease (periodontitis), tooth loss and even heart disease
Worryingly, a third of adults in the UK admitted to never having visited the hygienist because they believed routine dentist appointments were sufficient. Hygienist visits are essential in preserving your gum health, and you should endeavour to attend at least twice a year. However, if you notice any of the following, it’s essential to book an appointment as soon as possible. Rather than waiting until your next routine appointment: 
● Your gums go from a healthy pink to red. 
● Your gums look swollen. 
● Your gums are receding (gum tissue is wearing away to expose more of a tooth) 
● You notice an unusual or foul taste in your mouth. 
● Plaque and tartar build-up (brown or white staining that brushing can’t remove). 
Sensitivity to Hot and Cold Foods 
No one is superhuman, and it’s normal to experience some sensitivity when eating extremely hot and cold food and drink. However, if this is happening consistently and the pain is becoming difficult to bear, you should make a routine dental appointment right away. Your body may be trying to tell you a cavity has formed, which will need attention straight away to stop the decay from worsening. 
Persistently Dry Mouth 
Failing to drink enough water, drinking too many diuretics like tea and coffee and taking certain medications can result in a dry mouth. Whilst a dry mouth might not sound like a severe issue, it’s something that can become problematic in the long term because of the vital role saliva plays in cleansing and clearing loose food and bacteria particles, which can lead to problems like decay and cavities. In some cases, a dry mouth can also be a symptom of a serious illness, such as HIV/AIDS, diabetes or Alzheimer’s. 
Here at Park Dental Care, we can identify the cause of a dry mouth and help you develop lifestyle habits that will promote saliva production. 
Growths in Your Mouth 
The majority of the time, growths in your mouth are innocuous. However, it’s always important to investigate any such changes to rule out major problems, such as mouth cancer, which has a 90% recovery rate when caught early. 
Book a dentist appointment straight away if you’ve noticed any of the following: 
● Lumps and lesions that don’t heal within a few days. 
● Excessive and/or sudden bleeding. 
● Numbness in the mouth. 
● Changes to the way you swallow. 
● White patches on your tongue. 
● Jaw pain. 
Here at Park Dental Care, you’re in compassionate hands. Dr Tim Webber understands mouth cancer screening can be distressing and will do everything he can to support you, whatever the outcome of your screening appointment. 
Contact Us 
We’re so grateful to be open and looking after many of our patients in person again. If you’re unable to come in and see us, please don’t hesitate to take advantage of the virtual consultation process, during which we can talk through your treatment goals. 
Contact us today to book yourself in at Park Dental Care, here in Nottingham.