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How Transforming Your Smile Can Change Your Life

It might sound like an exaggeration to say that cosmetic dental treatment can change your life especially as we’re dentists!), but this can often be the case. Half of Brits are said to be unhappy with their smile, which is a concerning statistic. Here at Park Dental Care, we’re passionate about helping patients find the love for their smile they may have lost. 
Healthier Smile, Healthier Body 
In recent years, there has been ongoing research into the relationship between gum health and general health conditions, including heart disease, diabetes and even dementia. It’s thought that the bacteria which causes gum disease can also lead to inflammation of the heart and other organs. Multiple studies have backed this up, and it’s a revelation that emphasises how important it is to be rigorous with our oral hygiene. 
Release Those Endorphins 
The old saying that ‘laughter is the best medicine’ also applies to smiling, especially if you consider that both of these actions lead to the release of endorphins, the chemical response for wellbeing. It’s always upsetting for us to hear from patients that they feel embarrassed about smiling in front of others. 
Everyone should have a smile they feel proud of, and resisting the urge to smile because you feel self-conscious, is repressing the release of serotonin and endorphins. Cosmetic dental treatment (such as teeth whitening, surface stain removal and veneers, all here at Park Dental Care) can transform how your smile looks and how you feel about it on an emotional level. More smiling equals increased happiness. 
A Great Smile Can Make You More Approachable 
If you’ve fallen out of love with your teeth, it might be that your reduced desire to smile is creating a negative first impression during personal and professional encounters. A survey carried out by the British Dental Association found 77% of people in the U.K consider visible tooth decay to be a considerable disadvantage when it came to career prospects. This suggests your smile’s health does contribute to how others perceive you, especially during a first meeting. 
Meanwhile, in the world of dating, more people are using the internet than ever before to meet potential partners, and a smile is one of the first things we notice about others. Maintaining a beautiful and healthy smile can give the impression of self-care, which, as we all know, is an attractive quality in a partner. 
We’re so grateful to be open and looking after many of our patients in person again. If you’re unable to come in and see us, please don’t hesitate to take advantage of the virtual consultation process, during which we can talk through your treatment goals. 
Contact us today to book yourself in at Park Dental Care.