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How a Smile Can Benefit You and Those Around You

It’s true that at the moment, our smiles are so often covered with masks, but if you find yourself with the opportunity to flash a smile, it has the potential to bring about the following fantastic benefits. 
Lower stress levels 
It’s easy to feel overwhelmed during these times of uncertainty and perhaps your stress levels are a little higher than average. Did you know, the act of smiling can actually reinforce how we feel about something? Making the effort to smile, even if you don’t feel 100% committed to it at first, will ‘trick’ the mind into thinking it is amused or happy and therefore, less stressed. 
A study conducted by Dr Michael Lewis, a psychologist at Cardiff University explained that ‘simply using the same muscles as smiling will put you in a happier mood… because use of those muscles is part of how the brain evaluates mood’. 
Boost your immune system 
A smile and a laugh encourages the release of endorphins, which are the chemicals responsible for wellbeing and happiness – these are also released through exercise. Not only do endorphins help you to feel good, they also increase blood flow and lower blood pressure which in turn, lowers your risk of cardiovascular complications and heart disease. 
Become more approachable 
As we mentioned above, a lot of the smiling we do right now is with our eyes, on account of our mouths being covered with a mask! But if you find you get the chance to give someone a smile on the street or in the queue on the way into the supermarket, you should. According to a survey conducted by Kelton Global, 48% of adults believe a smile is the most memorable feature after first seeing or meeting someone, displaying kindness, friendliness and warmth. It’s fair to say these are qualities we all need a dose of right now, so why not try giving a stranger a smile each day? It’s totally free and you could be making someone’s day a whole lot better. 
Looking after your smile 
If you’re unhappy with your smile, there are a number of day-to-day habits you can employ at home during lockdown, whilst dental appointments are on hold. Check out our blog on ‘How to keep your smile healthy’. 
Park Dental Care offer bespoke cosmetic dental treatment and smile makeovers to address the aspects of your smile you’re unsatisfied with. Contact us today to book an appointment.