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When It’s Important To Visit The Dentist In-between Check-ups

You’re pregnant 
Being pregnant brings hormonal changes that can make women more susceptible to gingivitis (gum disease) and tooth decay. If you’ve recently discovered you’re pregnant (firstly, congratulations!) and secondly, you should book in for a check-up so any developing problems with your gums don’t escalate. We will also be able to tell you how often to come in during your pregnancy, based on the condition of your gums. 
You have persistent bad breath 
Bad breath is never fun – it can leave you feeling self-conscious and low in confidence around others. However, bad breath can also be a symptom of something serious like chronic periodontitis or pericoronitis. You should check in with us if you’ve got bad breath that doesn’t appear to be clearing up. 
You’ve noticed a sore, spot or ulcer in your mouth 
Whilst a sore, spot or ulcer is rarely something to be worried about, if it hasn’t clear up in ten days, it is more likely to be sinister. These symptoms could indicate a serious infection or oral cancer, which when caught early, can be treated solely with radiotherapy, rather than chemotherapy. 
Your gums are bleeding 
Gums can bleed from time to time when you brush and floss. However, if your gums are bleeding consistently, this is something you should get checked out. It is probably a symptom of gum disease, and professional care from a hygienist is necessary to remove unwanted plaque and calculus along the gum line, and to check how advanced the problem has become. 
Your jaw hurts or pops 
Hearing pops and clicks when you open your mouth may indicate you’ve got a problem with your jaw due to a condition known as TMD (temporomandibular disorder). Leaving these symptoms untreated can lead to more unpleasant symptoms like headaches, sensitive teeth, aching jaws and ear aches. To prevent these symptoms from disrupting your daily routine, see your dentist in Nottingham here at Park Dental Care at the earliest opportunity. 
Persistent sensitivity 
Tooth sensitivity is normal when you eat very hot and cold food and drink, but if you’re experiencing lingering sensitivity, it could be a sign that your tooth enamel is eroding. This means you’re more prone to cavities, which can be hard to spot at home. If you’ve noticed uncomfortable and regular sensitivity that’s getting in the way of your day-to-day life, contact us for a dental check-up here in Nottingham. 
Get in touch with us our Nottingham dental practice to book in for an appointment if you’re experiencing any of the issues above.