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Should You Straighten Your Teeth With Invisalign Or Six Month Smiles?

In the meantime, we’ve compared two vastly different straightening methods: Invisalign and Six Month Smiles, to give you more insight into our treatment selection. As such, we hope this helps you figure out which straightening approach might be most suitable for your case, preferences and budget. 
Many patients searching for a straighter smile are often worried that metal braces won’t suit them or that they feel too old for orthodontic treatment. Well, we don’t think that’s true. We can help you find braces that fit your preferences, regardless of age. So if you’re thinking of gifting yourself a straighter smile in the new year, click here to discover all of our braces services
What Is Six Month Smiles? 
As the name suggests, Six Month Smiles delivers rapid straightening results in only six months by targeting the front six to eight teeth. With this very targeted approach, you can forget about waiting years and enjoy your new smile in no time. 
This system requires wires and brackets to move your teeth safely but robustly, like conventional braces. But don’t worry–we’ll use tooth-coloured wires and clear brackets to ensure it looks less intrusive. 
Six Month Smiles is a substantially cheaper method of straightening your teeth, as we only target a small number of teeth instead of the whole mouth. So if you’re happy to wear fixed braces for a short time, this is an excellent treatment option which gives effective results. 
With Six Month Smiles, we can correct mild crookedness, spacing and misalignment in the teeth. Conversely, if you have severe misalignment or a poor bite, our dentists may not advise this treatment for you and will suggest a more suitable alternative. 
Benefits of Six Month Smiles: 
● Rapid results, so it’s the perfect treatment before a big event. 
● This system is simpler than conventional braces, as we apply less force to a smaller number of teeth. 
● Substantially cheaper than comprehensive brace treatments. 
● We provide a thorough consultation and treatment plan. Our professional team will oversee the procedure from start to finish to ensure you’re safe and happy with the final results. 

What Is Invisalign? 
Invisalign is the world’s leading tooth straightening solution. It uses clear aligners to move your teeth into their desired position, but with a gentler approach. More so, Invisalign is a discreet method that has transformed over 13 million smiles worldwide, which is why dentists from all around the globe love it so much. 
As we’re straightening your teeth with clear aligners, there’s very little discomfort, and you can remove them as you please when eating and drinking. 
Treatment time is the most significant difference between Invisalign and Six Month Smiles. With Six Month Smiles, the whole process targets rapid completion. However, the treatment duration for Invisalign largely depends on the dental concerns you’re trying to fix–this can be anywhere from 4 to 24 months. Invisalign takes a little longer because it is a gentler approach. Similarly, it can also treat more severe cases of poor bite and teeth misalignment that take longer to fix. 
You’ll need to wear Invisalign aligners for 22 hours a day, which may sound like a long time. But, because these aligners are discreet and comfortable, they are designed to fit into your lifestyle. 
Benefits of Invisalign: 
● Discreet, so no one needs to know you’re having orthodontic treatment. 
● They’re removable, so you can eat and drink without restrictions. 
● Invisalign can fix severe cases of poor bite, crookedness and misalignment. 
● You’ll carry most of the straightening process out at home, so you don’t have to worry about frequent Orthodontist appointments. 
Which Is Best For You? 
Six Month Smiles are an excellent way to straighten your front teeth before an upcoming event. They are also great if you don’t mind wearing wire and bracket braces for a short time. Alternatively, Invisalign is the more realistic option if you’re considering fixing severe dental concerns and want a discreet, straightening solution that seamlessly fits into your lifestyle. 
Interested In Teeth Straightening Near You? Visit Park Dental Care in Nottingham. 
At Park Dental Nottingham, we offer a wide range of Orthodontic treatments to suit your needs, including Invisalign, hidden braces and short-term braces. 
If you’re interested in any of our teeth straightening solutions or considering straightening your teeth as a gift in the new year, please get in touch with us at 0115 910 1447. You can also contact us online. 
We can’t wait to meet you!