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Best Treatments To Cure Tooth Sensitivity This Winter

Besides the rapidly dropping temperatures that expose our teeth to gusts of cold wind, we’re also consuming far more coffees, teas and hot chocolates to stay warm. Hot drinks and foods can aggravate tooth sensitivity and worsen the discomfort. So if you’ve noticed your symptoms worsening since the temperatures dipped a few weeks ago, here’s how we can help. 
What Is Tooth Sensitivity? 
Tooth sensitivity is characterised by a temporary, sharp pain when consuming hot or cold food and drinks or brushing your teeth. 
It’s one of the most common complaints we hear this time of the year. As such, we aren’t surprised that an Electric Teeth UK survey found that more than half the people asked (57%) suffered from tooth sensitivity. Therefore, you’re not alone if you’re experiencing pain or discomfort right now. But luckily, there are ways we can help fix it. 
What Causes Tooth Sensitivity? 
Tooth sensitivity is often the consequence of worn tooth enamel or exposed tooth roots. If you’re a bit overzealous when brushing your teeth, you’re probably wearing down your gums and tooth enamel. As a result, enamel loss can expose the tooth’s porous dentin and can cause sensitivity. Likewise, if you’re suffering from gum recession, this can also cause discomfort because the tooth roots are exposed to the changing temperatures. 
Other factors, such as tooth decay, cracked or chipped teeth, or a worn filling, can also be the underlying cause. 
What Should You Do If You’re Suffering From Sensitivity? 
If you’re experiencing discomfort and think it is because of tooth sensitivity, you can try a few immediate treatments before seeing a dentist. 
If you use an electric toothbrush, hold it lightly between your fingertips and thumb, like a violinist holds their bow. Holding your brush in a “clench-grip”, like a tennis player would hold a racket results in excessive force to your teeth and gums. 
Likewise, you can relieve the sensitivity by applying Sensodyne Rapid Relief toothpaste or oil of cloves directly to the affected area. It’s also best to keep your mouth as clean as possible by brushing twice daily. If your sensitivity is so severe that you cannot brush properly, rub Sensodyne Rapid Relief toothpaste into the affected area with a clean finger for a couple of minutes before starting your brushing routine. 
If the pain doesn’t subside, we advise you to seek dental assistance within 48 hours as there is likely to be an underlying cause for which treatment would be appropriate. 
What A Dentist Can Do For You: 
Besides enamel erosion, if cracked teeth or a worn filling has caused your sensitivity, we can quickly repair the filling or tooth to ease discomfort. 
Schedule regular dental and hygienist appointments so that we can check for early signs of gum disease and recession. We can also identify abfraction lesions and notches in the necks of your teeth, often caused by tooth grinding or a heavy bite. 
If you suffer from Bruxism (teeth grinding), this can also cause sensitive teeth. We can create a custom-made mouthguard for you to wear at night to avoid further damage to your enamel. 
Composite bonding is an excellent cosmetic treatment for teeth that have become sensitive due to significant cracks or enamel loss. Our dentists can layer a tooth-colour resin, called composite, over the damaged tooth surface, which acts as a protective barrier against sensitivity. 
No matter which treatment is used to solve your discomfort, you must thoroughly care for your teeth to prevent further enamel erosion and recurrent sensitivity. 
We advise that you brush twice a day for a minimum of two minutes and clean between your teeth with Tepe brushes. Regular check-ups with your dentist and hygienist are also important to maintain a good oral health routine. 
Lastly, we recommend cutting back on acidic and sugary foods and drinks, as they can contribute to enamel erosion. Unfortunately, this does mean cutting back on the amount of festive coffees and hot chocolates that you’d usually consume this time of year. Though, you can still enjoy them every once in a while. 
Looking To Improve Your Tooth Sensitivity? Contact Park Dental For High-Quality Dental Treatments In Nottingham. 
At Park Dental Nottingham, we offer a broad range of private and emergency dental treatments to target your dental concerns. Contact us at 0115 910 1447 or online
We look forward to welcoming you!