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Is your smile summer ready?

What can I do to fix my smile? 
With so many advances in cosmetic dentistry over the past few decades, there is likely a solution for whatever is making you unhappy about the appearance of your smile. Maybe you have one or more of these imperfections: 
Gaps between teeth 
Discoloured teeth 
Chipped or broken teeth 
Gummy smile 
Uneven teeth or gum line 
Underbite or overbite 
If so, don’t hesitate to make an appointment with one of our expert dentists here at Park Dental Care. As the leading centre for cosmetic dentistry in Nottingham and the East Midlands, we spend more than half our time helping people with cosmetic dental issues and are experienced in the most advanced techniques. During your initial consultation we’ll discuss your goals and expectations and explain the various treatments that are available to you, based on a thorough oral examination. Once we’ve assessed your suitability, we can put together a treatment plan that will help you achieve the smile you want – no more hiding in the background during family photo sessions! 
Will my smile look natural after treatment? 
Absolutely. Most people with a fake-looking smile wanted it! Those celebrities love that you are talking about their make-overs – but it does not have to be like that. We will work with your natural colouring and keep you involved in every step of the design process to ensure that you achieve the results you want. If you are having veneers, we can use resin to show you how they will look after treatment. With orthodontic treatment such as Invisalign, our 3D software simulation can project what your teeth will look like at each stage of treatment before you begin the process. 
Will the results be permanent? 
This depends on what type of treatment you are having and how conscientious you are about maintaining your oral health. For example, tooth whitening treatment will need repeating periodically and the length of time each treatment lasts depends on your eating and drinking habits. Porcelain veneers can last for decades when properly cared for but will eventually need replacing whilst in our practice crowns typically last for longer than 15 years. Orthodontic treatment can permanently straighten teeth if you wear your retainer afterwards, and when properly cared for a dental implant can last a lifetime. We will be happy to discuss the best ways to maintain your new smile for the longest lasting results during your check-up appointments. 
To book your free initial consultation with one of the expert cosmetic dentists at Park Dental Care, contact us today. We look forward to helping you.