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What’s The Safest Way To Whiten My Teeth?

Dentists are qualified medical professionals 
To perform cosmetic dental treatments such as teeth whitening, all dentists need to adhere to the rules of the General Dental Council (GDC), which states that clinicians must have appropriate training, certification and indemnity. Reputable dental practices such as Park Dental Care are diligent in checking that all relevant team members possess the necessary training, so you can be sure you’re in safe hands. 
Those who do not have this training put patients at serious risk of complications, and they do not have insurance in case of problems. 
Safe chemical agents are used 
If you’re approaching an unqualified individual for teeth whitening treatment, they could well be using whitening gels containing unsafe or untested materials. 
Research has found that kits available to purchase on marketplaces can also often contain higher peroxide levels than are allowed by the GDC. In fact, according to an investigation carried out by Which?, when testing the levels of peroxide in different over-the-counter kits, 21 out of 36 exceed the legal amount of peroxide for home use. 
This is extremely worrying for us as dentists, as professional tooth whitening has gained a great reputation, now put at risk by illegal suppliers. These can range from inflamed and burning gums to intense sensitivity. As high levels of peroxide can burn your gum tissue, this can quickly lead to discomfort which prevents you getting a great result. 
Your whitening trays will be bespoke 
During the teeth whitening process, your custom-made whitening trays will ensure an accurate and uniform whitening result. Those used in over-the-counter packs or by non-medical establishments are not, which means you won’t get the evenly white smile you were looking for, and you could also be putting your teeth at risk. 
In fact, the fit of the trays is a major factor in the efficacy of this treatment. Custom-made whitening trays ensure that your gums don’t interact with the whitening gel. This eliminates the risk of problems like sensitivity and irritation. We make your whitening trays by taking a digital scan of your teeth, which is used by an accredited whitening lab we’re partnered with o make close fitting trays. Once these are ready, you can begin the process. 
Any problems with your oral health will be acknowledged first 
We won’t perform cosmetic dental treatment such as teeth whitening treatment unless your mouth is in a safe, healthy starting point. Unfortunately, as unqualified persons offering teeth whitening treatment don’t have to adhere to the rules set by the GDC, they won’t recognise if there is an issue with the health of your mouth that needs to be addressed first. 
Going ahead with treatment when you have problems like a cavity or a loose or damaged tooth could exacerbate these problems and leave you prone to associated symptoms worsening. 
Choose Park Dental Care for professional teeth whitening treatment 
Keep your teeth and gums safe by choosing Park Dental Care if you’re looking for professional teeth whitening treatment in Nottingham. Once you have reached a great, healthy and attractive colour, you can simply perform top-up treatments at home in the future. 
Contact us today to book your teeth whitening consultation.